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This policy and procedures handbook is to be read very carefully by all teachers, all parents and/or legal custodial guardians, and all students.  Please have legal guardians and/or parents and students read over this document fully, initially and signing to state their understanding of the spiritual, financial, behavioral, and volunteering requirements for Freedom Christian Academy. 



Every registered family is required to fulfill 2 cooperative shifts each semester of their choice. As of now, those shifts include lunch duty, winter/spring formal setup or cleanup. Returning families may buy out these hours at the rate of $10 per hour. Note the two choices for fulfillment and initial your choice:
  • Choice A) Cooperative work shifts will be worked by parent/guardian or approved adult substitute under the guidelines set by the Volunteer Coordinator (VC), and it will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to assure date, time and duties. In the event that a cooperative shift requirement cannot be fulfilled, it is your responsibility to find an approved substitute willing to cover your shift, and it is also required that you call/text the VC (co-op director) to inform them of the change. Should you not show up or make arrangements for your shift to be covered there will be a $20 fine plus $10.00/hr shift payment charge imposed.

  • Choice B) Work hours can be bought out at a rate of $10.00 per shift. This fee will be used to pay a substitute parent and is due at registration. Should you want to utilize this plan at a later time during the semester, it will be granted solely by the discretion of the VC.



  • I certify that I am the participant’s parent or legal guardian.
  • Participant has my full consent and permission without reservation to participate in the activities according to each of the terms contained in this agreement.
  • I certify that I have carefully read and understand that I agree to be bound by each of the terms contained in this agreement with respect to any claims that I and/or the Participant may have.
  • I represent and certify that I have the legal capacity and authority to act for and on behalf of the minor in the execution of this agreement.

I certify that I have carefully read the above handbook and family, parent(s), & student(s) contact and agreements and agree to be bound to each of its terms. I understand that I have committed and agreed to adhere, follow, and maintain all which has been stated, addressed, and assigned within the handbook and family, parent(s), & student(s) contract including the student conduct & behavior, volunteer requirements, student’s transportation, safety & supervision, homework responsibilities, financial requirements, statement of faith, parent contract, and all disclosures including the medical, liability waiver, release, and indemnification for all adults and behalf of all minor students to whom these agreements pertain and are assigned to.

I acknowledge that I have given up substantial rights by entering into this agreement, and that I do so voluntarily.

I understand that parts of this agreement legally prevent me or any other person from filing a lawsuit or making any other legal claim from dangers in the event of myself, my child’s, my next of kin’s, or any third parties injury, death, or any known and unknown risks resulting from myself, my child’s, my next of kin’s, or any third parties participation with Freedom Fellowship and Freedom Christian Academy.

By signing this I make a legal declaration that ALL legal guardians and/or legal parents of each child I am enrolling have no objections for my child to be enrolled in Freedom Christian Academy and to attend any and all events and activities associated with the Academy. 

I understand that failure to keep any part of this contract would result in my and my child’s withdrawal from classes, my family from the membership page(s) of Freedom Christian Academy, and that all fees are nonrefundable at that time.

Lastly, I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT that is binding upon myself and my heirs, executors, personal representatives, administrators, next of kin, successors and all other assigns. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT and I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT by signing this agreement voluntarily, I am agreeing to abide by its terms and I am waiving certain legal rights that my child or I may have.

Payment Instructions

Registration and Supply Fees will be due immediately upon requesting membership and are non-refundable once membership is requested. These two fees are charged once per family each semester in the Fall and Spring. If you are enrolling for Summer Enrichment sessions, then these fees are also only collected once per family at the beginning of the Summer.  A background check is required for all volunteer hours. That fee is only charged once every few years until the current background check expires. Payments can be made via our online payment system.

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